Data Room Providers Review

  • febi mahesa
  • May 12, 2024

Data Room Review of Providers

It is important to consider the features of a dataroom provider to determine if they are suitable for your needs. In addition to the basic storage for files, search for security features such as individual user permissions for users as well as multi-factor authentication sessions, session timeouts, and location restrictions that could protect against data leaks and unauthorised access. Document security features include secure spreadsheet viewers, watermarking, and view-only modes that limit the sharing of screenshots and unintentional sharing.

A VDR should also include data hosting, storage and a secure internet connection, anti-virus scanning, uptime guarantees and security certificates which can safeguard your company’s confidential data from cyber-attacks. Pricing models should be flexible that allows you to pick between a flat price per project or one dependent on the size of your storage or features as well as the number of users.

iDeals is the most viewed online data storage space followed by Intralinks and Ansarada. Users have praise for iDeals for its simple interface and desktop and mobile apps, multilingual support and video uploads. It is not customizable, and some users complain about its steep learning curve.

Ansarada is the partner selected in many M&A transactions due to its reputation for security. Security-first is the strategy that Ansarada employs. It includes an array of tools to safeguard confidential data during the M&A process. They include granular access rights for users and a full variety of workflows that are based on roles. Pricing plans are flexible.